BIM revit

Advance Design & BIM Designers Concrete Test Drives

201919novAll DayAdvance Design & BIM Designers Concrete Test Drives(All Day: tuesday)

Event Details


With the release of Graitec’ s Advance Design and BIM Designers Concrete 2020.  We are hosting half day events for both Advance Design and BIM Designers Concrete.  Showcasing a range of new features whilst further developing existing tools we would like to offer you the chance to get your hands on our powerful BIM enhanced FEM software package, as well as the enhanced tool for automating RC design and detailing with 3D Revit environment.

In the morning you have the opportunity to learn how to model steel and concrete structures efficiently using tools both tried and tested and recently added within Advance Design 2020, and in the afternoon you can learn about the advantages of the Graitec BIM Designer tools that can be used to place rebar in Columns, Beams, Footings, Walls and Slabs. Also, tools for automated drawings and schedule creation / detailing.



All Day (Tuesday)