BIM-readiness survey draws to a close


The construction sector has a few days left to complete an industry-wide survey into BIM-readiness…

A sector-wide survey from the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), and BSRIA is set to close in the next few days.

The survey, which has the support of key stakeholders including SELECT, BEAMA, and the Building and Engineering Services Association (B&ES).

ECA Director of Business Services Paul Reeve said: “It’s vital that the sector, and our stakeholders, understand how ‘BIM ready’ we are ahead of significant changes to central government procurement.

“When the results are in, they will be shared with the key players inside government and the wider industry.”

The survey, which will close on the 15 September, will be used to inform the government, the construction sector, and its stakeholders if the industry is ready for BIM Level 2. This will become mandatory for all public sector contracts over the next year.

CIBSE technical director Hywel Davies commented: “The MEP sector is probably the most complicated aspect of delivering better information to improve the performance and operation of government buildings.

“This survey is vital for our sector to understand how ready we really are for BIM and what more we need to do to be fully prepared.”

BSRIA Principal Consultant and BIM Specialist John Sands noted the importance of the survey to inform of the progress being made.

“This survey will help us all to identify where we are in the BIM journey and to enable us to plan the way forward to BIM maturity,” he said.

“With the implementation of the government’s Level 2 BIM mandate just a few months away, the industry should be in a position to make the most of the opportunities it will present.”

The results of the survey will be published in October. You can complete the survey here:


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