Level 2 BIM by 2016? Help!


John Eynon, Chair of the South East Regional BIM Hub, architect, writer and blogger, describes how to meet the impending BIM deadline and proves there is nothing to fear

If you’re new to BIM then welcome to a world that is as exciting and challenging as it is intimidating. You may have heard that there is a UK Government target of “BIM Level 2” by 2016? So you might be wondering what does this mean? For me? My organisation? Is this really important? Do I need to do something? Where can I get help?

Unfortunately, this short article will not give you all the answers you need to these questions but we can make a start and I can point you towards some resources that will help – most of which are free – good news!

What is BIM? It is about creating, using and sharing digital information across the design/construction and operational life of any built asset.

Why BIM? The UK Government Construction Strategy published in 2011 identified that working using BIM processes and technology could enable significant savings to be made in operational costs and reduce waste.

What is Level 2? This is defined on the Bew Richards BIM Maturity diagram, but basically we all continue to work as individual disciplines on a project, but we produce digital information in the form of data and 3D geometric models. These are then combined using technology to form the Project Building Information Model.

Where can I get help? Relax! There are plenty of free resources available, a few are listed below. BIM Hubs – Make contact with your local Regional BIM Hub Champion. Your local BIM Hub holds meetings and will offer points of contact. There you will meet people and organisations at all stages of the BIM journey from complete beginners to experts and everyone in between. Also representing all stakeholders in the industry, such as clients, designers, consultants, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and owner/operators. The Hubs offer a safe environment where you can ask your questions and meet people who are in the same boat. Wherever you are in the UK, there is a BIM Hub near you.

The BIM Task Group website is the place to go for information about UK BIM. There you will find news, case studies, and the standards and documents you need and all are available for free download.

It’s good to talk, and the world of BIM has its own language, rules and set up which be confusing. Finding a few friendly faces to share the journey with can be a great help.

BIM 4 Groups – There are various sector specific groups set up such as BIM4SME, BIM 4 Clients, BIM 4 Retail and so on. Joining up with these networks opens up discussing BIM with people who face just the same issues and situations as you.

These are just a few of the resources available. A few more are listed below which will be of help:

Regional BIM Hubs – http://www.bimtaskgroup.org/bim-regional-hubs-champions/
BIM 4 Groups – http://www.bimtaskgroup.org/partners-3/
BSI BIM Investors Report – Free PDF download, useGoogle search
UK BIM Task Group website – http://www.bimtaskgroup.org
BIM Demystified by Steve Race (2nd edition) –Available on Amazon, £19.99
You can catch up with blogs by John Eynon at www.zenanddm.com.

John Eynon
South East Regional BIM Hub
Tel: 01273 956965


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