Orion Heritage

About Us

Orion Heritage provides independent advice to the private sector aimed at resolving the often conflicting demands of conservation while achieving profitable and sustainable developments.

The company prides itself in understanding our clients businesses and projects, and responds positively to their aims and objectives. In order to do this, we provide the following services:

Land Acquisition/Due Diligence

The need for developers to identify and quantify the risks at the early stages of a proposed development is a key element when acquiring or securing options on land for development. Orion Heritage provides advice on the potential planning constraints and financial risks posed by archaeology and built heritage at the early stages of development planning.

Desk-Based Assessment

We undertake all forms of heritage assessment work including: heritage statements, archaeological and heritage desk-based assessments, historic environment assessments for Environmental Impact Assessments and Scheduled Monument Consent applications.

Negotiation with LPAs and Statutory Consultees

Orion Heritage undertakes timely and robust negotiations on behalf of our clients with planning authorities and statutory consultees, such as Historic England, Cadw and Historic Scotland, in order to resolve heritage issues and aid the delivery of profitable and sustainable developments.

Defining, Procuring and Managing Fieldwork

A key element of Orion Heritage’s services is defining and agreeing the scope and costs, procurement and management of archaeological evaluations, excavations, and historic building recording works required to support planning applications and the discharge of planning conditions.

We adopt a pragmatic approach to ensure that the scope and timing of fieldwork is appropriate to both our client’s proposed development and site specific heritage issues.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Orion Heritage provides historic environment input into Environmental Impact Assessments for both TCPA and NSIP projects. This includes, where necessary, incorporating data from desk-based assessments, geophysical survey, evaluations, and historic building and setting assessments into the production of Historic Environment ES chapters. Orion Heritage is experienced in both TCPA and NSIP EIA projects.

Expert Witness

Orion Heritage provides heritage expert witness services for public inquiries, hearings and written reps.

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