Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

About Us

“The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) helps take care of forests and the people and wildlife who call them home and is recognised by WWF as the “hallmark of responsible forest management”. The FSC certification system allows businesses and consumers to identify, purchase and use wood, paper and other forest products produced from responsibly managed forests and/or recycled materials.

50% of people in the UK recognise the FSC logo (GfK 2014) and the market for responsibly sourced timber and timber products is growing. Research has shown that FSC certification can bring improved market access, higher revenues and enhanced public image.

FSC UK (FSC®F000231) offers a free advisory service and information and guidance, including template timber/paper procurement policies for the private and public sectors. Online and bespoke on-site training packages are also available.

Why use FSC certified wood?

  • Carbon benefits – Trees absorb CO₂ as they grow

Every cubic meter of wood used as substitute for other materials displaces an average of 1.1 tons CO₂. If this is added to the 0.9 tons of CO₂ stored, then each cubic meter of wood can save a total of 2 tons of CO₂.

  • Energy – Trees need little more than sunlight and rainfall to grow

Wood has the lowest embodied energy of any mainstream building material. Producing steel, for example, requires 24 times the energy needed to produce wood.

  • Performance – Wood has the best thermal insulation properties of any mainstream construction material

Five times better than concrete, ten times better than brick and 350 times better than steel, wood is an excellent material for thermal insulation.

  • A renewable resource – Wood and paper are renewable, reusable and recyclable

If wood is sourced from FSC certified forests, buyers and sellers can rest assured that their wood products are not only renewable, but that they come from forests that are managed responsibly. Wood is also a reusable resource and its recycling needs less energy in comparison to other materials such as steel or aluminium.

  • Beauty and utility – Wood is attractive, practical and long-lasting

Wood is a versatile and durable material. Research has shown that in buildings and interiors it is perceived as warm, relaxing and welcoming.

Why choose FSC?

  1. We’re governed by our members

We’re democratically governed, and over 800 social, economic and environmental members help us to set the right policies
to protect the world’s forests.

  1. We have the highest standards

We set higher standards than any other forest certification scheme, which gives users the best assurance that certified forests are being managed responsibly.

  1. We’re respected and credible

We are the preferred certification scheme for business and the one most widely used by members of the Fortune 500.

  1. Our impact is far-reaching

Operating in over 100 markets, we issue more certificates globally than any other timber certification scheme.

  1. We have a positive impact

Of any existing forest certification scheme, we provide the highest level of protection for endangered species and natural forests.

  1. We have influential support

Our membership includes the world’s largest and most respected environmental NGO’s such as Greenpeace and WWF, both of which are vocal in their support of FSC over others.

  1. We’re transparent

Every process and decision we make is open to public review and our product claims are independently audited.

  1. Our standards are globally consistent

Wherever we operate in the world, our standards are based on the same principles and criteria.

  1. We think local

Every FSC forest certification process is open to local consultation so the people who live there can always have their say.

  1. We’re recognised

FSC is the only forest certi­fication scheme member of ISEAL Alliance, the global association for sustainability standards.”


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