Cementation Skanska switches to HVO on large-scale plant


Piling contractor Cementation Skanska has committed to using Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) on all its plant fleet, including piling rigs, from 1 January

Following a successful trial of using HVO on a Liebherr LB36 piling rig with a 390kW engine, Cementation Skanska has committed to cut carbon (CO2e) and harmful air emissions by converting fully to HVO.

The decision to use Green D+ will lead to significant carbon savings compared to red diesel.

Supplied by Green Biofuels Ltd, it is certified under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Scheme and exclusively generated from waste or secondary renewable source.

The trial, carried out in collaboration with HS2 and the Skanska Costain STRABAG JV, collected data measurements with the engine running on diesel and then the engine running on HVO fuel alone. The data, verified by Brighton University, revealed that CO was reduced by 57%, NOx was reduced by 38% and PM reduced by 36% during the normal operations.

‘Credentials in green leadership’

Terry Muckian, Cementation Skanska managing director, said: “The use of HVO on a piling rig of this size had not been tried in the UK before due to concerns over potential damage to the engine.

“Following this successful trial, we can confidently take this next step forward and demonstrate our credentials in green leadership to significantly reduce emissions associated with our plant.

“This move comes after Skanska mandated the use of HVO fuel to power all site plant and equipment and to act on our pledge to become Net Zero Carbon by 2045.”

Katie Atherton, Cementation Skanska environment manager, said: “This is a very exciting turning point for the industry and our journey to becoming net zero.

“This trial shows the commitment from all involved and is a great example of collaboration, which is what will support us in this journey.”

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