Construction recruiter is the first to join the Institute of Customer Service


A leading construction sector recruiter has become the first in the UK to join the Institute of Customer Service…

Edinburgh-based consultancy firm Peace Recruitment, which focuses on the construction, property, and engineering sectors, has met a major milestone by becoming the first recruitment firm to join the Institute of Customer Service.

The firm, which aims to become the recruitment company of choice in Scotland for the construction sector, hopes the move will cement this.

The Institute of Customer Service currently boasts a membership of over 470 organisations. More than 50 are from the FTSE 350 and 5,000 individual members are from the private, public, and third sectors. It is an independent body, working to improve customer service throughout the UK. It helps disseminate best practice across its network.

Peace Recruitment, which was created in 2009, is now a multimillion pound firm, with a team of 14 specialist consultants. Joining the institute will help the recruitment firm to provide the best possible service to all clients.

Managing Director Chris Peace said: “We are extremely proud to be the first recruitment consultancy in the UK to join the Institute of Customer Service.

“The Institute outlines the benchmark for good customer service in the UK.

“We believe by becoming the first UK recruitment firm to join shows that we are now setting a new benchmark in the UK recruitment when it comes to customer service and is further proof that we place service before sales for all clients.

“We aim to utilise our membership not only to maintain our high standards, but to constantly improve the specialist service we provide.

“We want all our clients to see us as a trusted consultancy that can strategically add value to their recruitment process.

“With the support of the Institute, it’s our aim to be the company of choice in Scotland for the construction, property and engineering sectors within the next 5 years.”

Jo Causon, CEO of the Institute of Customer Service, said: “I’m delighted that Peace Recruitment is the first recruitment consultancy to become members of the Institute of Customer Service.

“It’s a sign of intent and recognises the importance of delivering excellent service to customers.  By joining forces with organisations from a wide variety of sectors, the company is making a clear statement that the customer experience is at the heart of all they do, all they are characterised by and that they have a strong desire to continuously improve it.

“Membership of the Institute also provides the opportunity to benchmark against other organisations in a range of sectors; opportunities to share with and learn from other members within the extensive network; access to our research and insight; and the opportunity to drive service professionalism, through our customer service qualifications programmes.”


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