Sharing good health and safety practices can empower employers


The British Safety Council will host an event highlighting the importance of sharing good health and safety practices, and how this can empower employers…

A half-day conference in Manchester will highlight the key challenges facing the construction sector as it continues to improve its health and safety record.

Undoubtedly, the industry has worked hard, but there are still key challenges to meet. The British Safety Council hopes this event will highlight some of these issues.

The ‘Powering Health and Safety in Construction’ conference will take place on 24 February at the Malmaison, Manchester. The half-day event will include a number of presentations and panel discussions aimed at sharing good practice and ensuring the future of construction is focused on safety.

Confirmed panellist, Dr Alistair Gibbs, Engineering Professor at Loughborough University said: “Many health challenges affecting construction workers are age-exacerbated, which may be why we don’t see many 55-year-old bricklayers on our sites.

“The solutions to these challenges are not straight forward and a holistic approach is needed. Part of this approach includes challenging the ‘Superman’ perception and changing the behaviours of younger workers.

“Technology, like wearable simulations, can play a significant part in this behavioural change.”

Kevin Bridges, Partner at national law firm Pinsent Masons, who will be presenting on the new Sentencing Guidelines for health and safety offences and corporate manslaughter, said: “For those that find themselves on the wrong side of the law, these guidelines will potentially pose a substantial burden on the organisation’s ability to do business.

“However, it also presents an opportunity as the financial cost of regular investment in health and safety resources such as training and equipment is likely to be dwarfed by the level of fines that the guidelines are likely to give rise to in the event of a prosecution.”

CDM 2015, which was brought in last year to provide guidance, is expected to be a key focus of the event. To gain a better understanding of the regulation, the HSE’s chief inspector for construction Peter Baker will be present to offer insight.

Chair of the event and Policy and Standards Director at the British Safety Council, Neal Stone, said: “Our annual Manchester health and safety conference has once again attracted an impressive array of speakers expert in the regulation and management of health and safety.

“The conference offers you a great opportunity to be briefed on key changes to health and safety law and for you to explore with the experts and your peers how best to meet the challenges your organisation faces in ensuring continuing compliance. I look forward to seeing you in Manchester.”

The full programme for the event can be found at:

Powering Health and Safety in Construction half-day conference

The conference takes place on Wednesday 24 February 2016 from 09:30-13:00 at 1-3 Piccadilly, Manchester M1 3AQ. Places cost £110 + VAT for British Safety Council members and £160 + VAT for non-members.

For full details and to book see:

Agenda (may be subject to change):

09:30-09:35 Welcome

Neal Stone, Policy and Standards Director, British Safety Council

Session 1: Safeguarding health in construction – the importance of developing a greater awareness of the challenges and exploiting the learning legacy

09:35-09:55 Launch of the Crossrail Learning Legacy Knowledge Hub

Steve Hails, Health & Safety Director, Crossrail Ltd

09:55-10:10 The health-ageing challenge for construction

Dr Alistair Gibbs, LECI Royal Academy of Engineering Professor of Complex Project Management, Loughborough University

10:10-10:25 Understanding prevention led occupational health management

Melodie Gilbert, Senior Partner, Park Health and Safety Partnership

10:25-10:45 Question and answer session with:

Steve Hails, Dr Alistair Gibbs, Melodie Gilbert and Neal Stone (Chair)

10:45-11:00 Coffee and networking

Session 2: Legal and regulatory update

11:00-11:30 CDM2015 – Building in health and safety

Peter Baker, Chief Inspector of Construction, Health and Safety Executive

11:30-12:00 The Sentencing Council guidelines: The verdict for employers and individuals

Kevin Bridges, Partner & Zoe Betts, Senior Associate, Pinsent Masons LLP

12:00-12:55 An interactive drama – Safety Coaching

Harry Gallagher and Shaun Curry, Macnaughton McGregor

12:55 Closing remarks

Neal Stone, Policy and Standards Director, British Safety Council


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