Deliver more successful BIM projects


As many have noted, to make BIM really successful, you need the input of all project stakeholders as early as possible in the design process. Before ground is broken in real life, the project is built digitally, and to do so, you need input from the people who will build it.

As a result, with BIM, much of the coordination that traditionally transpired in the course of construction is compressed into preconstruction. Representatives of the client, the contractor, the consultants and subcontractors – civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection – and other team members all contribute ideas to optimize form, function and the construction process.

It’s an intense period of collaboration. While it’s best done face-to-face, decisions are largely settled and documented via email. Lots of email. Staying on top of it all can challenge the most organised organisation but there are tools that enable teams to easily share, access and update data, whether on-site or in the office.

Here, Newforma explain how they can help to deliver more successful projects in a digital construction world.

View the ebook here: 


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