BBA BIM Object Assurance Scheme


BIM modelling for building projects is increasingly fashionable, but incorrect specification details on BIM objects are far from popular.  For verification that BIM objects are of the quality required by specifiers and modellers – the BBA introduces a new service: BIM Object Assurance Scheme

Every day more specifiers are using BIM libraries to populate building design briefs and proposals. So it’s important for manufacturers to know that their products are at the forefront of the selection process by specifiers, and that their brand profile is as recognised as it should be.

That said, inadequate BIM specifications are frustrating, expensive and unnecessarily time consuming for manufacturers and specifiers alike.

BIM is a process based on collaboration and trust in which construction project information is created and shared via a digital model. If the data are not correct, BIM potentially can create more problems than benefits. This presents a challenge to construction products manufacturers; they need to demonstrate to specifiers, modellers and sub-contractors that their BIM objects are of the quality required.

The BBA BIM Object Assurance Scheme has been designed to help address the risk associated with poor BIM object information quality, providing the necessary professional and independent data validation on key product specification areas.


How does the BIM Object Assurance Scheme work?

BBA BIM Object Assurance comprises two areas. Firstly, it checks the quality of the BIM object as a digital product by looking at its interoperability, data structure and possible data errors. Secondly, it checks the quality of the values found on the product parameter fields in the BIM object. The BBA will check the data and its source before it can be accepted for inclusion into a BBA BIM Object Assurance Certificate. The level of independent data validation follows a similar process used to accept initial data for other BBA certification schemes.

A BBA BIM Object Assurance combined with a BBA Agrément Certificate puts everything that a specifier needs in one place, reducing the hassle for them and making sure BBA client products stand out from the crowd.

What does the BBA BIM Object Assurance Scheme include?

  • BIM Object certificate:

Each BBA assured BIM object  has a certificate which shows the data has been checked – all designed to eliminate wasted time and to promote products and commitment to excellence.

  • BIM Object development:

For those Agrément certified products that do not have them, the BBA will offer to develop the associated BIM objects.

  • BIM Objects hosting:

The BIM object and its certificate will be hosted on the BBA website. Visitors can utilise the search engine to check if a product with BBA Agrément Certificate also has a BBA BIM Object Assurance Certificate. There will be a new BIM section on the BBA website where visitors can search for and download BBA assured BIM object files.

BIM object development with bimstore


If your product doesn’t have a BIM object, we can develop one for you. BBA has partnered with bimstore, the leading UK BIM object and components library, to offer a total BIM modelling solution to manufacturers who are BBA Agrément holders. BBA and bimstore will work together so that clients who don’t already have a BIM object can now have one created at their initial stages of BIM adoption, before their product’s specification details are validated for BBA BIM Assurance.

BIM Object Assurance

These capabilities are now up and running which is great news for BBA clients who want an all-in-one approach to getting their product to market with the best possible visibility in place.

Available immediately for BBA Agrément clients, BBA BIM Object Assurance is a specifier led service innovation and another step forward in the BBA’s commitment to providing advanced products to the industry, drawing on its traditional expertise in product certification.

If you’re BIM ready, it’s time to get BIM steady.

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