CCS to focus on social value to enhance the image of construction


The Considerate Constructors Scheme is introducing a series of steps to develop it over the next decade, working with the construction industry to create a new focus on social value

The CCS, which brings value and benefits to thousands of communities and partner contractors, clients and suppliers across the UK and Ireland, will work with the industry to create a new focus on social value

To develop the scheme further it will be searching for a new chief executive, while it has confirmed the securing of a new service agreement with the Scheme’s operational delivery partner from 1 January 2020.

It will also focus on driving deeper community and public engagement, a more focused strategy on consumer-facing marketing and PR, a comprehensive programme of listening and partnership and an assessment of new technology initiatives that can develop the core benefits of the Scheme.

Scheme’s Executive Chairman, Isabel Martinson MBE commented: “Our new strategy and structure will mean that the Scheme will be well equipped for the next phase of its journey.

“The appointment of a new chief executive is part of this development. They will report directly to the executive chairman and the board. They will support our networks, work with senior decision makers and creatively invigorate community engagement, business development and marketing, ensuring value and benefits for communities, contractors, clients, the supply chain, local authorities and the public. They will bring insights and perspectives that refresh our strategies and our approach to all stakeholders.”

Edward Hardy, who has been the chief executive of the Considerate Constructors Scheme for the past ten years, will step down at the end of 2019 when the new chief executive takes up the role.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has a third party delivery partner that manages the day to day operations and implementation of the scheme. The signing of a new delivery and service agreement underscores the successful partnership that has been created by the Considerate Constructors Scheme alongside the Scheme’s owners, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Construction Products Association (CPA).

Martinson continued: “The Scheme’s wide adoption, support and partnership across the UK and Irish construction industries are testament to the hard work, vision and innovation the Scheme has brought to the construction industry.

“The Considerate Constructors Scheme has measurably improved the image of construction.”

The new chief executive will lead the strategic direction of the Scheme, how the Scheme works with communities, with customers and with a broad range of organisations, interest groups, local and national government and other key stakeholders. New tools will be developed to understand and measure Social Value.

There will be a strengthening of where the Considerate Constructors Scheme delivers key value, including; the development of its Ultra Sites programme; contractor and subcontractor registration; and an assessment of how it may be able to be more effective geographically.

value and benefits
Isabel Martinson MBE

Martinson concluded: “We have a tremendous opportunity to focus on the key benefits demanded by the industry, to work on our consumer conversations, to engage with media and public interest groups, NGOs and other stakeholders.

“We have a unique delivery platform; the Considerate Constructors Scheme will become more accessible to the public, continue its effectiveness with the industry and broaden its outreach and messages.”

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