Thomas Sinden awarded 2nd contract for Coram HQ

thomas sinden

Following the successful completion of the first phase of work to Coram HQ in Brunswick, Thomas Sinden has been awarded a second contract to build an extension to the historic site

This further phase forms part of the charity’s major campus redevelopment to create a National Centre of Excellence for children.

The contractor has already completed a new education centre at the front of the historic site offering learning experiences for thousands of local children and The Pears Pavilion.

To coincide with the 350th anniversary of the birth of the charity’s founder, Thomas Coram, Thomas Sinden will work on the Queen Elizabeth II Centre of Excellence over the next month.

The build will incorporate a three storey, 20,000 sq. ft. new build office block which will be home to conference and learning spaces.

Graeme Sinden, Director of Thomas Sinden said: “The redevelopment of Coram’s historic campus is a significant project for Thomas Sinden and we are delighted to have worked so closely with Coram over the years.

thomas sinden

“From the outset Coram needed to continue to occupy and use the site whilst construction took place so we have had to overcome a number of sensitive challenges during our work, including ensuring no loss of functionality occurred whilst construction took place and factoring in a quiet hour to allow the children within the centre to have some rest.

“Due to the historic nature of the site, we have also had to ensure the preservation of a Grade I listed wall which runs through the site.

“Our team are extremely committed to the work we have carried out for Coram, so much so that our contracts manager, Terry Woodham, deferred his full time retirement to work on the new phase on the campus.”

The development will allow organisations to come together to share best practice to improve services which work to create more opportunities for children.

Dr Carol Homden CBE, Group Chief Executive of Coram is pleased to be working with Thomas Sinden again on the second part of the build:

“We have been proud to work with Thomas Sinden over the last six years; they have shown consideration and sensitivity to the specific needs of the site and the children we work with and been creative, reliable partners in the shared goal to make a positive difference in the world.“

Thomas Sinden was established in 1991 by founding partners Des Thomas and Graeme Sinden and has earnt the reputation for delivering award winning new build and refurbishment projects throughout London and the South East.

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