Homes England loans £20m to Skelton Gate development

Skelton Gate

JPG are engaged as lead consultant to design the infrastructure and development plot arrangements at Skelton Gate in Leeds, which has just secured a £20m loan from Homes England

The 170-acre former opencast colliery site already has planning permission for 1,100 new homes, a primary and secondary school, public open space, a local centre and a convenience store, as well as associated infrastructure with construction due to start soon.

In July this year an additional application was submitted for a further 700 homes, taking the total housing numbers to up to a potential 1,800.

Templegate Developments Limited, the joint venture partnership of Evans Property Group and Keyland Developments, was granted the loan from Homes England.

The Homes England loan will support the initial infrastructure and reclamation works which alone carry a cost of around £53m.

These works will facilitate the development of the entire Skelton Gate scheme, which is set to enable the creation of more than 500 new construction and operational jobs.

Peter Garrett, managing director of Keyland Developments, said: “Templegate Developments is committing major investment into the Skelton Gate regeneration scheme and we are delighted with the support the development has received from all key stakeholders and the community.

“The plans to create an entirely new sustainable community, whilst aspirational, have always been entirely deliverable and we are incredibly excited to be at the stage where preparatory works can commence.”

James Pitt, development director at Evans Property Group, added: “The securing of this significant loan from Homes England has unlocked and accelerated the development of Skelton Gate and will enable us to commence the first phase of our groundworks and infrastructure programme with immediate effect.

“The vision for Skelton Gate has been developed over almost a decade with close collaboration between Homes England, Leeds City Council, as well as NHBC and we are now looking forward to commencing on site.”

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