Interserve launches redundancy support package in Liverpool


Interserve Learning & Employment has launched a redundancy support package to help people in Liverpool who have been made jobless during the pandemic

The free package on offer for unemployed people includes help writing CVs, learning how to find a new job, access to training and support including maths and English courses and advice on what jobs are on offer.

The personalised redundancy support package helps people to boost their skills, develop job search strategies, identify transferable skills, gain qualifications and learn how to present themselves well via video conferencing technology.

All of the training and support can be delivered online and remotely.

Quickly regain employment

Gregg Scott, Interserve Learning & Employment (ILE)’s managing director, said: “There are a great many people who have not previously experienced joblessness who have been made redundant as businesses and the economy reacts to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have therefore launched a Redundancy Support package specifically aimed at people in this position, people who may not have had to write a CV for years and who – with the right support – we firmly believe can quickly regain employment.

“In addition, the pandemic means that it’s less likely interviews will occur in person.

“We will help give participants the skills they need to present themselves well via video conferencing so that they make the right impression to secure the job they want.”

ILE is one of the UK’s top apprenticeship and skills providers and is one of the adult education providers funded by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to support the needs of adults (aged 19 and over) and equip them with the skills and learning they need for work, an apprenticeship or other learning.

ILE has a team of specialists based in Liverpool able to deliver Redundancy Support. The team also has access to an extensive database of jobs in the area.

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