Is your BIM fully optimised for your business?

BIM training bimup

There is growing and quite understandable hype concerning BIM, but how it is helping to transform both the UK residential and commercial building sectors?

No longer viewed as a simple coordination tool but instead providing real benefit right across the construction process. Delivering buildings faster, lowering costs, improving resource management and ensuring projects are completed on time. But there is a clear and obvious level of disparity between the awareness of the benefits of BIM training and the realisation of these through a fully optimised deployment that has been aligned perfectly to meet business needs.

The internet is entirely littered with articles about how to carry out a successful BIM deployment, which on the face of things is great news for any organisation looking to carry out background research. However, every organisation is different facing different internal business drivers and market challengers. Requiring a robust plan to meet these with the ability to rapidly transform and grow in response to industrial changes and project requirements.

While there is a plethora of helpful generic information about BIM. Useful information on the development of a cohesive strategy is quite often thin on the ground, despite holding the key to deployment.

Many companies waste huge amounts of money and time stuck within the discovery, plan, re-discover and re-plan cycle. Without ever fully achieving their desired outcome.

Introducing the BIMUp Program

Having successfully rolled out BIM to 1000’s of companies worldwide, Graitec have leveraged this experience in order to setup and launch the BIMUp program. This has been specifically designed for those that are entering the BIM arena for the first time, or for organisations who are looking to fully optimise their BIM rollout plan.

With help from one of the world’s largest BIM providers and access to over 200 highly experienced technical specialists the program takes users through the training, technology, and documentation required in order to deliver a successful BIM project.

How BIMUp can help your business:

  • BIM technology implementation and methodology
  • Simultaneous product and BIM training
  • Project configuration interdisciplinary coordination
  • Standards manuals and templates

BIMup BIM training

5 Pillars of BIMUp

The BIMUp program takes you through five individual pillars designed to get your organisation ready for BIM level 2 assessment and implementation. The program covers an initial discovery day to identify your business requirements and needs, proposing technology and services to match these. Followed by both specialised product and BIM training helping to rapidly increase your knowledge and competency. Factoring in BIM management, configuration and coordination and the creation of a product library.

The program is entirely bespoke with the key target of developing a robust strategy with the flexibility to adapt to your internal objectives while working towards achieving the 5 pillars of BIM.

Find out more about the Graitec BIMUp program

Graitec are one of the largest independent CAD, CAE and BIM software authors, consultants and trainers in Europe with a wealth of experience in BIM implementation. Adopting a highly consultative approach with all our customers.

Through our unique partnership with the BRE we are perfectly positioned to help companies fully benefit from the BIM workflow. Ensuring greater collaboration between architects, engineers and construction stakeholders. Our partnership with BRE helps support companies with a smooth, end-to-end process for adopting BIM Level 2 Business Systems Certification.

To find out more information about the Graitec BIMUp program click through using the link provided Graitec BIMUp program.

Please note: this is a commercial profile

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