The latest edition of BIM Today is now live!


Welcome to the Spring edition of BIM Today.

Opening this bumper publication is an interview with Jon Kerbey, Director at HS2, who explains how BIM will be utilised on the UK’s first high speed rail endeavour. In the interview, he outlines how HS2 has a duty as a major infrastructure project to help to educate on, and promote the use of BIM within the construction industry. He goes on to touch on how HS2 will address the skills gap, along with what his views are on implementing BIM successfully.

Richard Waterhouse, the Chief Executive at NBS and RIBA Enterprises also writes in this edition analysing the results of the fifth annual NBS National BIM Survey. He described the results as “the most intriguing yet” and echoes the sentiments of Jon Kerbey, also touching on the skills gap that is becoming apparent. Waterhouse comments that: “the availability of resource and expertise that can research, implement and educate the industry in new ways of working (including BIM) is limited”.

We also present an article from Andrew Carpenter, Chief Executive of the STA and Chair of BIM4Housing who believes that when it comes to BIM, the housing sector has very much been a latecomer in terms of implementation. Although the BIM4Housing members are dedicated to implementing an easy to use BIM structure, the main obstacle being faced concerns collaboration and integration from the wider housing industry.

Kath Fontana, Managing Director of BAM FM and chair of the RICS FM PG board makes a welcome addition to our range of experts, discussing why it’s important for the facilities management industry to engage with BIM right now, and what professionals in the industry need to know about it. She argues for the need to understand the impact of BIM on the FM sector, saying that every FM business should have a BIM strategy so they can plan their approach and allocate appropriate resources.

In addition, we have articles from John Tebbit from Robust Details, John Eynon, Chair of the CIC South East Regional BIM Hub and Dr Anne Kemp, Chair, BIM4IUK and Vice Chair of BuildingSMART, amongst a whole host of industry experts.

There will be something of interest for all our readers contained within this edition, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions for future content. Until then, happy BIMming!

Lisa Carnwell


BIM Today May 15

*Click the banner above to view the publication. Additionally, the spring edition of BIM Today can be viewed in pdf format, or click here to view a HTML version


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