eBooksOffsite response to the Government's Construction Playbook

Offsite response to the Government’s Construction Playbook

In this guide, Buildoffsite seek to explore how offsite construction can lead the way in meeting the Government’s ambitious plans and policies established in the construction Playbook

The UK Government’s Construction Playbook, published in December 2020, sets out what needs to be done to drive the future of public sector construction contracts through improved health, safety and wellbeing, greater efficiency, greener development and portfolio-wide approaches.

In order to help the offsite sector grow, the Playbook policies should result in: More whole-life, outcome-based specifications; Long term contracts; Greater use of standard designs, components and interfaces; More innovation and use of MMC; Greater exploitation of digital twins and collaboration tools; Increased speed of project delivery.

‘Offsite must continue to show leadership’

The Playbook includes a number of points that offsite has already demonstrated or has asked for greater consideration of but it is now time for the sector to meet the challenges within it. In doing so, this could and should lead to significant growth within the sector.

Buildoffsite will be circulating a number of ideas as to how this can be facilitated.

Inside this issue, Buildoffsite will discuss: Increasing efficiency; Managing risks; Building for lifetimes; How the offsite sector can respond to the construction playbook.

A copy of the Construction Playbook can be downloaded here. 

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