Michael Ross named new chief exec of hub South West


hub South West has appointed Michael Ross as its new chief executive, replacing Michael McBrearty who is stepping down

As operation director spanning the last eight years with direct responsibility for the delivery of over £800m of infrastructure projects, Michael Ross possesses the skills and experience to step up.

His appointment will ensure a smooth transition providing the desired continuity for the business going forward.

Ross previously worked for BAM PPP UK Ltd in development and delivery roles and has over 20 years construction industry experience.

Michael Ross, said: “I am delighted and honoured to be chosen to succeed Michael McBrearty as chief executive with whom I have worked closely over the last eight years.

“I see the key drivers for hub South West moving into the next chapter as quality, sustainability, partnership and social value, thereby building on our already excellent reputation for delivering diverse, top quality projects that create a host of opportunities for the local economy and communities with which we work.”

‘A worthy successor’

Chair of hub South West, Dr Willie Mackie, commented: “In Michael Ross we have a worthy successor to Michael McBrearty and we wish him great success in his new role.

“He fully understands the various facets of the business and was a natural choice for the role.”

In addition, hub South West has announced that Donald Gilles, director of place for South Ayrshire Council, will be stepping down as the public sector representative on the hub South West board and the process to fulfil this position has commenced.

Chair of hub South West, Dr Willie Mackie, said: “We would like to thank Donald Gillies for his commitment and strategic guidance with his contributions being instrumental to the success of the business over the past two years and we wish him continued success in his on-going role within South Ayrshire Council.”

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