West Fraser tackles youth unemployment with new partnership

youth unemployment

West Fraser, formerly known as Norbord, is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Youth Employment UK to tackle youth unemployment

Founded in 2012, Youth Employment UK is a not-for-profit social enterprise offering young people skills and career support to equip them for the world of work, as part of the quest to tackle youth unemployment.

The organisation strives to present young people between the ages of 14 and 24 with opportunities to explore education and training options and connects them with youth-friendly employers.

West Fraser careers

One such employer is West Fraser!

With a designated West Fraser page West Fraser – Youth Employment UK on the information-packed Youth Employment UK website, young people can read inspiring profiles of current West Fraser graduate trainees and explore real vacancies at West Fraser’s sites in South Molton, Cowie and Inverness. There are details of summer internships and placements, apprenticeships and graduate jobs.

Visitors can also download West Fraser’s Young Professionals booklet west-fraser-careers-booklet.pdf (youthemployment.org.uk).

For further information on the opportunities available to young people at West Fraser, contact Carol Brown – carol.brown@westfraser.com.

For further information on Youth Employment UK visit the website Home – Youth Employment UK.

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