Affordable homes in Bolton at Horwich Golf Club gain planning permission

Northstone’s plans for a 208 home energy efficient development, including 71 affordable homes in Bolton at the Horwich Golf Club site, pictured, have been approved by Bolton Council

Northstone’s plans for a 208 home energy efficient development, including 71 affordable homes in Bolton at the Horwich Golf Club site, have been approved by Bolton Council

New green spaces and 71 affordable homes in Bolton at the former Horwich Golf Club site have gained planning approval from Bolton Council.

Northstone’s plans, which are part of a wider 208 home development off Victoria Road, were submitted earlier this year for the first two phases of redevelopment of Horwich Golf Club.

Energy efficiency and sustainability will be prioritised in the new development

Designed with place-making and sustainability at its core, the new homes will exceed standard energy-efficiency requirements by providing proven technology to lower energy bills, such as heat-save technology, intelligent heating systems and waste-limited building specifications.

The homes will also have electric vehicle charge points and photovoltaic (PV) panels.

Speaking following the Committee, Jonathan England, development director at Northstone, said:

“We’re pleased that our revised plans for Horwich Golf Club have been approved and believe this reinforces our unique approach to design and place-making. Our whole approach is to create quality family homes that meet a range of housing needs, set within acres of public green space.

“We’re committed to raising the bar when it comes to new build homes, none more so than in Bolton. We’ve recently won awards for our efforts to have a positive and sustainable impact on the communities where we work.”

The affordable homes in Bolton plans incorporate feedback from the local community

Elsewhere on the site, the planned approach to Bond Close has also been amended to discourage drivers to use this as a primary access point and to minimise ‘rat-running’ along this route, directly addressing feedback from residents.

The revised plans will also deliver significant economic benefits, including around £641,000 for local education provision and £260,000 for off-site open space in the community.

There will also be a contribution made to improve the highway network to mitigate the impact of the development on local roads in and around Horwich.

The plans for Horwich evolved following extensive consultation with the community, politicians, the Council and local businesses to deliver a scheme that provides energy-efficient homes with affordable options to support local housing needs in partnership with Bolton At Home.

Jonathan England added:

“We’ve worked really closely with the local community to develop a scheme that not only offers exemplary design but will deliver a sustainable and vibrant neighbourhood for existing and future generations. We look forward to continuing strong working relationships with local people in the future.

“We’re pleased to have been able to demonstrate our commitment to being a good neighbour and important partner in Bolton over the coming months and years ahead.”

Promoting local biodiversity with publicly accessible green space and a green corridor

Around 50% of the site will provide publicly accessible green space and, following local feedback, the detailed plans include a larger central green corridor to help maximise this green space.

This will also promote wildlife with greater connectivity throughout the site for the entire community, with children able to enjoy Horwich heritage-themed natural play equipment.
Woodland areas will be retained as well as created, with new trees and shrubs to be planted; improvements to be made to existing watercourses including Nellie’s Clough; and the upper fairway, bunkers and green to be replanted for ecological benefits.

Northstone is part of Peel L&P, who acquired Horwich Golf Club in 2012 and helped to keep the struggling business operating until an alternative use for the site was agreed.

Outline planning consent was granted in September 2021 following an appeal- work is expected to start on site in early 2023.

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