Balfour Beatty appointed to £4bn SCAPE Civil Engineering frameworks

Three wood framed balfour beatty and scape signs at the entrance to a temporary works depot wales
© Johndavidphoto

Balfour Beatty has been appointed as the sole contractor to the combined £4 billion SCAPE Civil Engineering frameworks

Balfour Beatty has been appointed as the sole contractor the SCAPE Civil Engineering frameworks covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland – worth up to £3.25 billion – and the SCAPE Scotland Civil Engineering framework covering Scotland – worth up to £750 million.

Running for four years from 2023, the frameworks enable local authorities and other public sector bodies to commission and deliver sustainably designed major infrastructure projects – including roads, rail, flood and coastal, broadband and electric vehicle infrastructure – with no defined upper limit.

Balfour Beatty will ensure that the best value design solutions are in place and will collaborate with an extensive supply chain of local businesses to help transform local communities and support both regional and national economic growth.

There will be an option to extend the contract for a further two years until 2029.

Balfour Beatty has delivered a number of successful projects through the SCAPE Group frameworks

Leo Quinn, Balfour Beatty group chief executive, said: “Our unique end-to-end group capabilities position us perfectly to deliver the wide variety of public sector projects that are expected to come to market in the coming years.

“With a long-standing history of successful delivery through the SCAPE Group frameworks, we now look forward to continuing on this positive trajectory; working with our customers to drive forward innovative, sustainable projects across the length and breadth of the UK.”

Major infrastructure projects are key to the government’s local regeneration agenda

Mark Robinson, group chief executive at SCAPE, said: “The delivery of major infrastructure projects that enrich communities and leave a lasting legacy is a key component of the government’s local regeneration agenda.

“Our Civil Engineering frameworks have been designed to give our public sector colleagues greater control over the delivery of value-led infrastructure, which includes prioritising SME spend, incorporating social value and keeping the pound local.

“We will also collaborate closely with Balfour Beatty to support our clients’ net zero ambitions through tailored carbon management.

“The strength of our partnership with Balfour Beatty has accelerated the delivery of much-needed Civil Engineering infrastructure via our direct award framework and I have no doubt that this will continue to be achieved through the Civil Engineering framework over the next four years.”

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