British Antarctic Survey seeks construction partner


The British Antarctic Survey is seeking a construction partner to modernise its UK Antarctic research facilities as part of a 10-year upgrade programme…

Construction firms are being invited to submit expressions of interest for a new construction programme on behalf of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

The announcement was made in the Official Journal of the European Union and calls for construction companies with a strong track record of high-quality engineering and technology expertise to come forward. Bidders have also been invited to attend a Construction Partner Open Forum Industry day in June.

The BAS’s modernisation programme, commissioned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), will span 10 years and is associated with the UK government’s recent investment of more than £200m in Antarctic and Arctic science infrastructure.

BAS Director of Operations Captain Tim Stockings said: “This is an exciting time for polar science.  Initial construction works include the alteration and extension of the wharf and slipway at Rothera Research Station on the Antarctic Peninsula in preparation for the arrival in 2019-20 of Britain’s new polar research ship.

“This new state-of-the-art research ship – commissioned by NERC, built by Cammell Laird and operated by British Antarctic Survey – will transform BAS operational delivery of UK polar science.

“Antarctic Research Station modernisation plans will be rolled out from 2016-17.  The goal is to improve overall operational effectiveness and enhance science capability, sustainability, energy efficiency; as well as improving the standards of living for world-leading scientific research and support teams.”

A competitive tendering process will take place following the Construction Partner Open Forum Industry day. A construction partner will then be chosen to work with BAS and their technical advisors from Ramboll.

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