Buckingham Group taken over by employees


The owner-directors of Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd have transferred 100% of their equity into the Buckingham Group employee ownership trust

Buckingham Group Contracting has become Britain’s biggest construction contractor to be taken over by its employees.

The owner-directors of Buckingham Group Contracting, led by founders Paul and Patricia Wheeler, have sold 100% of their equity into the Buckingham Group employee ownership trust.

Founders Paul Wheeler and Patricia Wheeler, and long-standing group stadia director and partner Kevin Underwood will all retire from the Board.

Their fellow long-term partners Mike Kempley (CEO) and Tim Brown (COO) will move into the roles of chairman and deputy chairman, declaring an intent to stay involved for 5-years and 2-years respectively.

The employee ownership trust (EOT) will be represented by a corporate trustee, BGC Trustee Ltd, led by independent chairman Russell Field. The trustee board also comprises two member directors balanced with two employee directors.

The EOT will always retain a minimum 60% equity in Buckingham, allowing for future issue of growth shares.

To mark the move to employee ownership a celebratory £1,000 tax-free bonus is being paid to over 530 eligible employees.

‘Enabling the culture and ethos of the business to continue’

Founder Paul Wheeler said: “Back in 1987 when the company was first incorporated, I never dreamt that the business, which was originally known as ‘Buckingham Plant Hire Contracting Limited’ would ever accomplish such remarkable achievements.

“With growing annual sales revenues nudging £700m for 2021 the business has attained the status of being a large corporate, widely recognised for delivering top-quality projects and has become consistently established within the ‘top twenty’ private construction contractors in the UK.

“None of this would have been possible without the commitment, skills and dedication of our staff members, our management teams and everyone working in departments across the whole business.

“In recognizing the amazing results that are now being achieved more than 30-years later, it is wholly appropriate that ownership of the business is being handed down from its founding partners to an all-embracing model of common ownership under the newly established employee ownership trust.’’

Mike Kempley added: “From the moment that we were first briefed on the employee-ownership model, it was very clear that the legislation and the thinking behind it has businesses exactly like ours in mind.

“Buckingham Group is perfectly suited to employee ownership which will enable the culture and ethos of the business to continue as the founders pass on the baton to our strong established board.

“In addition, all our stakeholders’ interests are aligned, and everyone benefits from the overall, long-term success of the business.

“This is a very exciting stage in the company’s evolution. The business is in robust financial health, is highly regarded and has record levels of secured workload ahead of it.

“We, of course, still have plenty to learn and develop over the coming years, but with our highly engaged employees who we believe are some of the very best people in the industry, we have no doubt at all that Buckingham will continue to be successful, to the collective benefit of all our people, and our wider stakeholders.’’

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