A year of solid growth for CCG


Construction and manufacturing firm CCG Ltd has reported a strong yearly growth during a difficult period for the sector…

During a challenging period for the construction sector, CCG (Scotland) Ltd has reported it saw significant growth in its profits.

The construction and manufacturing firm reported during the year to March 2015 over £7m turnover was seen. This was an increase of 57 per cent and was up 28 per cent in the same previous period to just under £121m.

Profits were experienced by the off-site manufacturing division CCG OSM, which reported a turnover up 87.5 per cent to just under £15m. Profits rose 84 per cent to just under £2m.

CCG chief executive and chairman Alastair Wylie said: “This has been a year of solid progress for the business in what remains a tough economic climate for the sector.

“Our ongoing investment in our people and facilities has enabled us to sustain and develop our core construction business and to extend that expertise to new sectors and clients.

“Our commitment to skills replenishment is undiminished and our apprenticeship training programme continues to represents 10 per cent of our total workforce.

“We are especially proud this year to have become the first construction company in Scotland to be awarded the Investors in Young People Gold Award.

“We also particularly believe that this training philosophy coupled with our state of art off-site manufacturing facility means that we are well positioned to respond to the serious challenge of skills and materials shortages in the market place.”


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