Causeway Donseed helps Conneely Group manage hours worked and site safety

Causeway Donseed

Danny Harsiani, project manager at Conneely Group, explains how Causeway Donseed has helped the company track and manage hours worked across multiple sites to reduce costs and improve site safety

Causeway Donseed is a biometric labour management solution that enables contractors to accurately track on-site workers. Recently, Conneely Group adopted Causeway Donseed to help the company better manage time and attendance on-site through capturing accurate sign-in/out records via the solution’s facial recognition technology.

Here, Danny Harsiani, project manager, Conneely Group talks about how Donseed has enabled the group to operate more efficiently and accurately.

Donseed ensures man-hours match man-days done on-site

“Before Causeway Donseed, Conneely used fingerprint ID check-in and check out to record worked hours. I believe we also used paper sign-in for extra proof, but the Donseed system is a lot more accurate.

“Donseed helps our business produce accurate results of what we are trying to achieve – making sure that the man-hours match up to the man-days that are done on-site. It links well with everything that we need to do, from commercial to accounts, to on-site, to make sure that we can identify issues instantly and have records given to us on-site as well as to our head office.”

How can Donseed improve site safety?

Conneely Group also use the Donseed solution to improve how site safety is managed on-site – including using the real-time attendance data to perform accurate roll calls.

“Causeway Donseed also helps us manage our health and safety. Before we would take the signing-in sheet of paper out on-site and sign off against it, but now because we have Donseed printed for that day on our table, if there was a fire, for example, we can use that to give us an indication of records. That way again we can prove the location of all of our workers. We can always tell people if they haven’t clocked in so they can clock back in and clock out. That time will reflect against head office so they are only paid for the time on site.

“I would highly recommend this product to everybody who’s not already using a clock in and clock out system.”

Want to learn more about the Causeway Donseed biometric labour management solution?

Schedule a demonstration with Causeway product specialists 

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