DfE announces winners for £3bn offsite schools framework


The Department for Education (DfE) has revealed the winners of the £3bn offsite schools framework ‘to cultivate innovation and modernise the industry by increasing the adoption of MMC’

The DfE has named the contractors it will use for its offsite framework.

Established by the DfE to build on the success of recent modular procurements, the framework supports a wider government move towards modern methods of construction as a preference for new build projects and reinforces the desire of the DfE to continue the commitment to MMC for education projects.

The DfE programme will deliver some 30 offsite schools a year with a projected pipeline of up to £3bn over the next four years.

The new offsite schools framework has been divided into a £2bn programme of secondary school projects above 6,000 sq m and a £1bn initiative of 750 to 6,000 sq m primary and secondary schools.

Secondary schools and blocks above 6,000 sq m

Primary school and secondary blocks of 750 to 6,000 sq m

The education department has created design guides to show how the offsite schools could be designed using MCC and offsite construction.

The new DfE offsite schools framework replaces the DfE’s existing set of three offsite frameworks while also increasing the capacity of the offsite/MMC market to support the progression to Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA).

David Johnson, preconstruction director at Caledonian Modular, commented: “we are delighted to be selected as one of the small team of contractors to work with the DfE in continuing to develop standards for education buildings, using high levels of offsite completion to reduce risk, save time and really optimise speed and efficiency of school design and delivery.”

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