BIM Assessment: The Transformation Program – BIM or Not To BIM


So, for commercial reasons you have decided to implement BIM within the business. The challenge seems complex, the support from the wider business is sporadic and the executives just want to know why it’s costing so much. Sound familiar?

According to Phil Read, Managing Director at BIM specialist Man and Machine and members of buidlingSMART, this is a common situation found in clients. He says, “Actually, as I am also an executive with a business unit responsibility, I can empathise with the views of the executives. But, I remind myself to explain what happens to companies that don’t embrace new ways of working. Companies that failed to spot and act on the dotcom boom for example include Blockbuster Video, Kodak, Myspace and Xerox. They are history.”

BIM Assessment

Man and Machine uses their BIM Assessment process to help clients work out what the impact of BIM is to their business and how to make that journey a reality. Usually that Assessment will define a road that includes certain training needs. They have learnt some key lessons that include:

  • Stop buying low-spec computers that don’t get the job done
  • Don’t train till you need to (you need a project)
  • Don’t treat everyone the same
  • Your perception of BIM depends on your role

In his book, “Managing the dynamics of Change”, Jerald Jellison looks at these points and how people react to transformational change (like BIM) emotionally. It shows that people will “come around” at different rates. Good educators recognise this and deal with it accordingly.

BIM courses

Man and Machine has launched its 2nd generation of BIM courses, in its BIM Ready program, in recognition that BIM is role specific (it’s different for example for architects, engineers, product manufacturers, costs estimators and so on). You can find out more here:


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