ProductXchange undergoes a spring clean


Information managers can benefit from using ProductXChange, a turnkey solution for delivering accurate asset information. CoBuilder’s CEO Nick Tune explains

With the penetration of data-driven technologies in the construction industry, we have seen the development of an important role within the sector. The Information Manager has become a key player in BIM and the need for such a person has posed a great many discussions among the industry’s lead-thinkers.  All seem to agree, however that this person is supposed to be technology-savvy and dig through a fragmented toolbox of possible solutions to provide clients with the much desired benefits of the asset information they have heavily invested on. To make one’s job even harder, expectations and requirements towards data-driven BIM are on the rise and tools seem to be lacking. That makes you wonder…

Have we left a carpenter without his hammer?

The answer is no. We at coBuilder have been working tirelessly to provide Information Managers with the turnkey solution for delivering accurate as-built asset information- ProductXchange.

Devising a simple 4-step process of setting  data requirements, collecting data directly from manufacturers and subcontractors and taking advantage of an automated validation and verification ‘data checking’ service, before delivering data to models or directly to COBie, we have set a new path for the Asset Information Manager. A step by step process that has undergone a ‚spring clean’ to bring simplicity, effortlessness and automation to a previously disjointed and hectic data struggle.

Data on-demand

‘Developing our tools we try and imagine the person who is going to use them. With ProductXchange that is a person who wants the latest and greatest construction product data on-demand – just what is required and in the right format. He or she wants to easily source data from the most credible source – the manufacturer, and monitor whether all organisational, legal, market requirements are met. It is simple as that.  We have also incorporate this on-demand strategy in the ‘new’ web presence of ProductXchange and we are glad that now we can communicate this clearly to our future partners’ – explained Nick Tune, CEO of coBuilder UK about the new design of the ProductXchange website.

ProductXchange in motion

With more than 20 000 active users in Norway, ProductXchange has been recognised as THE solution for the delivery of Asset Information for the Nordic market. Being available in the UK for under two years the tool is now used by industry-leaders such as SKANSKA, Willmott Dixon, Tata Steel, Wienerberger, Knauf.

‘Today, as ProductXchange is getting traction in the UK, we are more than ever devoted to set the standard for Asset Information Management processes in Europe. Our cloud-based platform is a step towards a longer, large-scale shift in the industry that we will soon see experiencing the struggles of BIG DATA. Having said that, we are prepared to turn unstructured product information into interoperable data that can be used along all the stages of a building’s life cycle, and in that way unlock limitless potential for savings and time efficiencies in the industry. We have a big ambition, but we have the resources and knowledge to make this happen. Explore our offer, you would be impressed! – says lars Chr. Fredenlund, CEO of coBuilder.



Nick Tune


coBuilder UK

Tel: +44 747 194 73 46


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