man in hardhat using tablet, representing payment management

Uncover the issues arising from spreadsheet-based payment management in construction and find out how Payapps streamlines the process, reducing time and enhancing accuracy

Construction businesses of all sizes use spreadsheets to submit and manage applications for payment. However, this can be time-consuming and is often prone to errors.

Relying on spreadsheets for payment processing can result in issues like payment delays, regulatory compliance challenges, and increased friction between contractors and subcontractors.

These problems stem from the limitations and potential errors inherent in spreadsheet-based systems.

Payapps is a cloud-based construction collaboration tool which makes submitting and approving applications for payment easier and faster.

Using the software, contractors and subcontractors can work together to make applications for payment simple and seamless.

What are the common issues found from using spreadsheets?

  • Payment calculation errors and inaccuracies
  • Missing files, lack of version control, and accessibility issues
  • Incomplete audit trail
  • Numerous applications for payment formats
  • Difficult to summarise and report payment status and trends
  • Time-consuming administration
  • Lack of security

How Payapps can help resolve spreadsheet issues

  • Standardised and automated calculations reduce time, risk, and ensure accuracy
  • Real-time visibility allows applications for payment to be viewed in Payapps rather than sitting in an inbox
  • Payapps provides a detailed action history of individual applications for payment with timestamps
  • Payapps provides clearer governance of how variations are categorised, i.e., instructed or non-instructed
  • Track variations from subcontractors across projects
  • Automated calculations reduce time, risk, and ensure accuracy
  • Payapps software has achieved ISO 27001 certification, making it a safe and secure environment.

Compare Payapps with spreadsheets

Want to find out more about the benefits of Payapps vs spreadsheets? Download Payapps’ quick reference comparison eGuide - ’Spreadsheets are great. Until they’re not.’.

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