Weston Homes withdraws high court challenge for Anglia Square scheme

Anglia Square in Norwich

Weston Homes has withdrawn from challenging the housing secretary Robert Jenrick in the High Court for the redevelopment of Anglia Square in Norwich

Weston Homes says it ‘will return to the drawing board regarding proposals’ for the transformation of Anglia Square in Norwich.

As part of this reset, Weston Homes will now spend the next few months in dialogue with Homes England, partner Columbia Threadneedle Investments, the city council and other stakeholders in order to devise and agree a collaborative solution for the future of Anglia Square.

During this consultation, Weston Homes will review all the comments raised by objectors, the views on Anglia Square raised by Historic England, and the reasons outlined by Robert Jenrick when he refused the £271m redevelopment proposals.

‘Get the best possible solution for everyone’

Bob Weston, chairman & chief executive of Weston Homes, said: “Weston Homes remain committed to devising proposals that provide a future for the Anglia Square site and for this to be successful we need to be aligned with key stakeholders such as Historic England and others who like us are passionate about the site and Norwich.

“We are looking forward to working in friendly collaboration with everyone to create fresh proposals for this challenging site to get the best possible solution for everyone.”

James Rigg, chief investment officer of UK real estate at Columbia Threadneedle Investments, added: “We believe in the long term vision for Anglia Square.

“We continue to collaborate with stakeholders with our partner Weston Homes in order to create a viable future for Anglia Square and devise proposals that meet the aspirations of the community.”

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