Considerate Constructors Scheme reveals its new monitoring checklist


A new checklist has been announced by the Considerate Constructors Scheme to assess and score performance of sites, companies and suppliers

A new Monitors’ Checklist for 2017 has been revealed. The Considerate Constructors Scheme, which works to improve the image of the construction industry, announced the new checklist came into force on 1 January.

The purpose of the checklist is to assess and score sites, companies and suppliers’ performance against a Code of Considerate Practice put forward by the scheme.

Two key issues

This year the scheme has identified two key issues that it says needs more focus. This includes tackling illegal workers and improving road safety.

Some minor changes have been made to the 2017 Checklist across all five sections. There are also new questions within the Specific Data section. This captures key information and identifies trends within the industry.

The first set of questions tackles the issue of illegal workers and encourages scheme-registered participants to examine how they ensure the legitimacy of their workforce by asking the following:

  • Are there processes in place to ensure subcontractors (and subsequent subcontractors) are conducting right to work checks?
  • Are physical spot checks conducted to ensure minimum standards of right to work checks are taking place within the supply chain?

Two questions have also been added to address the issue of road safety. The questions look at CLOCS -the national standard for Construction Logistics and Community Safety – and how this is used across scheme-registered sites, companies and suppliers. This includes:

  • Is the company a CLOCS Champion?
  • Is this site operating to the requirements of the CLOCS Standard?

This new amendment to the checklist will determine how those registered with the scheme are helping to raise road safety standards.

Commenting on the new Checklist, Chief Executive of the Scheme, Edward Hardy said: “With over 18,000 monitoring visits to sites, companies, and suppliers every year, the Scheme is the central part of instigating change to help raise standards and improve the image of the construction industry.

“The Scheme’s monitoring Checklists are the backbone to effecting this change, and we are pleased to be introducing greater focus on helping to address the critical issues of tackling illegal working in construction and helping to embed a culture of safety through greater adoption of the CLOCS Standard.”

For more information view the checklist.


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