Gladman denied planning appeal for 120 homes in Herefordshire


Developer Gladman has been denied planning permission to construct 120 new homes in Bromyard, Herefordshire…

A planning inspector has thrown out a planning appeal to build some 120 new homes in Bromyard, Herefordshire.

The decision comes after a four-day planning inquiry took place last month to discuss the issue.

Inspector Stuart Nixon dismissed the appeal from developer Gladman, who was seeking permission to build up to 120 homes off Pencombe Lane, Bromyard.

In his decision notice, Nixon said: “It is the recent adoption of the Core Strategy (Herefordshire Council’s planning blueprint), with the Hardwick Bank site (earmarked for development by the town council) included as a strategic housing site, which brings into question the acceptability of the priority junction.

“The proximity of the available access point from the A44 to the Hardwick Bank site means that the two access points would be relatively close together.

“As such, it is necessary to consider the interaction between the two schemes and the potential risks to highway safety and maintaining the free flow of traffic. When this is appraised, there can be no doubt that two junctions so close together would be untenable in highway safety and capacity terms.”

The decline of the appeal is the third time the application has been refused. It was declined previously by Herefordshire Council’s Planning Committee on two separate occasion.


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