Lagmar to build 154 homes on former Rolls Royce site

rolls royce dundonald, Lagmar

Lagmar Properties Ltd has submitted a proposal for the delivery of a mixed-use development on the former Rolls Royce factory site in Dundonald

The Proposal of Application Notice was submitted to Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, by Lagmar, with plans to provide an important local employment contribution to the area via the proposed light industrial units and retail units.

The mixed-use scheme proposes a residential development component of 154 homes, accompanied by around 42,000 sq ft of employment space and a local centre that will include retail units, a petrol filling station, and designated car parking.

The Dundonald development on the former Rolls Royce factory site will provide a number of economic benefits including the creation of construction jobs as well as future employment generated from the proposed retail and industrial offering.

Providing accommodation for key workers

The residential component of the development will comprise a mix of apartments, terraced, semi-detached and detached homes.

The final mix of the dwellings will continue to evolve through the consultation and application processes, although it is anticipated that a proportion of the apartments will provide accommodation for people aged over 55 years old and key workers.

A spokesperson on behalf of Lagmar Properties Ltd, said: “We are delighted to announce our plans to develop a vibrant development in Dundonald that will integrate high-quality residential homes and also deliver employment uses.

“The former Rolls Royce Factory or TK ECC complex in Dundonald closed almost 17 years ago. It is our ambition to regenerate the once-active lands to create an attractive new living complex with ample benefits for future residents and the surrounding community.”

Designed by Like Architects, the scheme will also include a number of retail units and a petrol filling station to help meet local demand for neighbourhood conveniences.

Public consultation

In response to the current Covid-19 social distancing restrictions, and in line with government regulations, the community consultation for the proposed homes will take place using a mix of digital and remote platforms to encourage the public to provide their opinions on the plans.

Angela Wiggam from the project’s planning team at Turley, said: “The proposals provide the opportunity to deliver significant benefits through the creation of new employment opportunities from the local neighbourhood centre and light industrial units, as well as providing a range of house types designed to cater for housing demand in the locality.

“We would like to invite as many members of the local community as possible to get involved in the consultation and have their say on these proposals.”

The consultation website will go live on 28th October 2020 and a series of digital public information events using Zoom will take place on Wednesday 4th November 2020, and on Thursday 4th November 2020.

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