Concrete sustainability to be boosted by an international partnership with ACI and GCCA


The American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) have formalised their collaboration to develop concrete sustainability

The ACI and GCCA have signed an International Partnership Agreement (IPA) to develop and disseminate further collaborative work on concrete, concrete structures, and especially concrete sustainability.

The IPA was signed as both parties exhibited in PROCEMCO in Cartagena, Colombia.

Part of ACI’s wider strategic plan to develop concrete sustainability

The agreement with the GCCA is part of ACI’s strategic plan to promote concrete sustainability and the use of ACIs concrete knowledge to assist concrete industry professionals globally to manage increasing requirements for the design of concrete structures.

In addition, ACI recently launched NEU: An ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete. NEU’s members include designers, contractors, material suppliers, as well as consumers and owners of concrete structures.

NEU aims to collaborate globally to drive research, education, awareness, and adoption of carbon neutral materials and technologies in the industry, to reach the goal shared with GCCA – carbon neutral concrete.

The GCCA outlined their net zero targets in a 2021 roadmap

The GCCA represents 80% of global production outside of China, as well as key Chinese producers such as CNBM.

In 2021, the GCCA launched its 2050 Net Zero Roadmap, outlining the levers, milestones, and pathways to achieve a decarbonised industry.

This includes new technologies, innovations, and aims to improve efficiency in design and construction.

The roadmap emphasized how the contribution of design and construction professionals to delivering carbon reductions through concrete projects is crucial.

This latest international partnership will support dissemination of best practices to enable the specification of sustainable concrete and design of lower carbon concrete elements and structures.

In July, GCCA celebrated progress made in debcarbonising concrete and cement in Latin America and the Caribbean, forming a partnership between GCCA’s Net Zero Accelerator initiative and FICEM to further reduce the industry’s carbon footprint in the region.

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