72 units in Brighton gain planning permission


Brighton new homes, housing, hove,

InsideOut has had its design proposal for 72 new homes approved by Brighton & Hove’s Planning Committee, the site was purchased with outline permission for 60 homes

InsideOut developed a scheme with a 20% increase in units and a 167% increase in ecological habitat areas by increasing the density of the housing to release land for communal amenity and ecological enhancements.

The starting point was the site’s location at the threshold of Saltdean and the South Downs, and the historic use as a farm.

InsideOut wanted to avoid the sprawl of a typical suburban housing estate and propose a site-specific, community-focused scheme which placed people above vehicles and had a strong emphasis on public realm.

Landscape impact was a key consideration that was addressed through a carefully considered site layout, vernacular building typologies, a comprehensive landscaping and biodiversity strategy and locally-inspired materiality.

The layout comprises large areas of shared space, carefully designed to ensure the needs of pedestrians, vehicles and disabled users are balanced and met.

Unlike traditional roads, these shared circulation spaces provide extra amenity and allow densification so that a large part of the site can be dedicated to a naturally-landscaped communal “Common”.

This Common, whilst serving to provide open useable space for residents also plays a key part in the site’s SUDS strategy, landscape buffering and biodiversity enhancements.

Long barn-like buildings are clustered around yards in the northern tip of the site adjacent the National Park, whilst detached and semi-detached dwellings knit into, and extend, the existing suburban grain of the area.

A ‘truly incredible design’

Annie Foster Firth, sales & marketing director at Gold Property Developments Ltd, said: “With plenty of green space, picturesque views and just a stone throw away from the south coast we are truly delighted to be able to provide new homes for the local community of Saltdean.

“Once again InsideOut have created a truly incredible design that integrates into the existing surroundings complimenting the South Downs National Park and focusing on important key aspects such as ecology and landscaping.

“We are very much looking forward to working together on our largest project together to date and any future schemes in the pipeline.

“After an unbelievable amount of hard work and planning and the challenges many have faced this year, We could not be happier to receive this positive outcome for a great start to the new year.”

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