burnout in construction

Can organisations do anything to tackle the rising instances of burnout in construction or is it simply out of their control? The answer lies in improving key aspects of organisational culture, as Robert Ordever, European MD of workplace culture expert OC Tanner, explains

Workers are increasingly suffering with stress, which can often lead to burnout in construction – a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. Latest research tells us that 58% of construction workers feel that their life is out of control, which is 14% higher than the average UK worker. On top of this, 46% of construction workers admit there are times they’ve felt like running away, highlighting their fragile mental state.

Worryingly, the most up-to-date numbers from the Office for National Statistics highlight that 277 skilled construction workers died by suicide in England in 2020, which is by far the highest suicide rate according to occupation. With Covid still causing health issues and the cost of living crisis leaving many struggling to cope, stress and burnout is only going to increase.

What makes the construction industry prone to mental illness?

As we know, construction work typically involves long hours and a long time away from home. When workers are forced to work hard, often late into the evening and there’s little down time with family and friends, this can create the perfect storm in which mental health issues become more likely. Add to the mix the construction industry’s macho culture, making it hard for workers to speak out and ask for help, and instances of mental illness including burnout, increase in probability. In fact, almost half of construction workers (49%) admit that their mood is often up and down.

Far from being simply a “personal issue” burnout is also a business issue, with companies experiencing moderate-to-severe burnout having a 376% reduced likelihood of highly engaged employees, a 87% reduced likelihood of employees staying with the company, and 22% decreased work output.

The link between a poor workplace culture and burnout

Mental illness is complex and can be driven by a number of different factors; however, what we do know is that a toxic workplace culture increases moderate to severe burnout by 157% and even the smallest lapses in workplace culture can lead to mild burnout. A poor workplace culture is caused by a number of elements, from their being a lack of organisational purpose and few opportunities to grow and develop through to poor social connections, a lack of appreciation and a ‘control and command’ leadership approach in which workers are expected to follow orders and not answer back.

By addressing issues with organisational culture, this will help to reduce instances of burnout.

Making your culture supportive of mental illness

Firstly, it’s key to create an honest and open culture, rather than perpetuate the “stiff upper lip” culture that exists in many construction environments. When open conversations don’t happen, this exacerbates feelings of stress. So the workplace must become one of trust, integrity and openness so that people can ask for help and support without feeling embarrassed or stigmatised.

It’s also important to find ways to keep workers connected to their family, leaders and colleagues, as organisations with poor social connections have increased cases of burnout. This is especially important when employees are working away and can’t spend time with family and friends. When workers feel less connected to their workplace, culture and organisational purpose, burnout increases by 11 times.

Plus, it’s time to nurture a new generation of modern leaders. Traditional leadership, which focuses on control and authority, no longer has a place in today’s workplace as it increases mental health issues. In fact, traditional leadership increased burnout by 10% back in 2020, and this figure is now likely to be significantly higher. Championing a modern leadership approach means focusing on understanding and mentoring every employee. Getting to know people as individuals, advocating for them, providing an “open door” policy and connecting people together socially and emotionally, are all vital if employees are to be given a safe space in which to unload and speak freely.

By prioritising staff appreciation and recognition, this will also help to elevate workers’ self-worth, engagement levels and “sense of belonging”, all of which are linked to better mental health. In fact, OC Tanner’s research during the pandemic found that employees who hadn’t been given recognition for 30 days or more were 77% more likely to be depressed.

Furthermore, demonstrating inclusivity and equality will create the right environment for workers to have honest mental health conversations. Every employee must be able to act authentically rather than “put on an act”, believing that their differences and unique qualities are celebrated rather than ridiculed or criticised.

Changing workplace culture

Only by calling out poor cultures and proactively making improvements, will construction companies have a chance of tackling the escalating burnout and mental health crisis. It’s time to turn macho and controlling cultures on their head, instead nurturing organisational cultures in which acceptance, openness, understanding and appreciation are championed.


Robert Ordever

European MD

OC Tanner







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