CIOB launches call for improving quality in construction


The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) has launched its “Improving Quality in the Built Environment” report, to identify what promotes or prevents delivery of quality in construction

The CIOB was joined at a parliamentary reception by a number of MPs and senior industry figures to launch the Improving Quality in the Built Environment report. The event, hosted by Eddie Hughes MP, heard about the outcomes of our Construction Quality Commission, set up to identify what promotes or prevents delivery of quality in construction and what steps are needed to bring about change.

Eddie Hughes commented that 30 years ago industry standards were somewhat different but we have now reached a point where a culture of “health and safety is the way we work” and firmly embedded within the sector. He called for those present to support the CIOB’s work, adding: “I want to see that same cultural shift with regard to construction quality.”

Paul Nash FCIOB, Chairman of the Commission, said: “Quality, or rather the failure of quality, is arguably the most important issue facing the construction industry today.”

He then outlined what the CIOB report focuses on: “Our research identified … an underlying cultural issue in the industry. Quality was being sacrificed to achieve targets.”

Nash, a CIOB Past President, then spoke of one of the key outcomes of the Commission’s work, the forthcoming Code of Quality Practice: “Today we are announcing the launch of a consultation on the Code.” The intention behind this is to set standards for the industry to achieve and “provide practitioners with the tools and processes needed to deliver quality on construction projects.”

He concluded by saying: “There is never an excuse for poor quality.”

The CIOB’s Construction Quality Commission was launched in early 2017 in response to a report into defects that led to the closure of a number of Edinburgh schools.

It was given a new drive following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire. The Commission, led by a group of the CIOB’s Past Presidents, worked with members and other industry organisations to identify the main issues with regard to quality in construction.

You can view the full report here: Improving Quality in the Built Environment.

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