Kier win £750m Suffolk construction framework


The framework replaces the previous Suffolk construction framework and has a combined value of £750m across four value banded Lots

Kier secured the construction framework on Lot 3 (projects from £2.75m to £10m) and Lot 4 (projects valued over £8m).

Key points:

  • Kier has been appointed to Lot 3 (projects valued £2.75m-£10m) and Lot 4 (projects valued £8m+) of the £750m Suffolk construction framework
  • The four-year framework will commence in June 2019
  • The framework is open to public sector bodies across the East of England for public sector building works

The four-year framework will commence on 1 June 2019 and is owned by Suffolk County. It will be open to public sector bodies across the East of England for public sector building works and will oversee the procurement of a range of new build and refurbishment schemes across education, health and community buildings.

Mark Dady, managing director at Kier, commented: “We’re thrilled to have been awarded a place on two Lots of the Suffolk construction framework. Our capabilities across the region have seen us deliver a large number of schools, healthcare facilities and various other key public sector buildings.

“The framework will streamline the procurement process for public sector bodies in the East of England, allowing us to deliver projects that communities across the region can benefit from.”

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