JCT Training: Courses on JCT contracts

JCT training

A flexible range of training courses and resources to give you all the information you need on JCT training contracts

JCT Training provides the most authoritative information on JCT contracts available. If you, your colleagues or employees are looking to find out more about specific JCT contracts or how the JCT contract process works, then consider our comprehensive range of courses and materials.

JCT training courses cover a range of topics – from a broad introduction to the JCT suite to covering specific contracts or dealing with specific contractual issues.

We have gathered a range of JCT experts, all past or present members of JCT’s Drafting Sub-Committee (responsible for the authoring of the JCT suite of contracts) or JCT Council, to provide an unprecedented level of knowledge and expertise for JCT contract users. Each attendee of a JCT Training Course will receive materials, stationery and confirmation of “JCT training hours” – the only authoritative training, directly from the source.

JCT TrainingJCT Training Video Modules: Brush up on your JCT Contract knowledge

JCT Training Video Modules is the latest option available from JCT as part of its JCT Training initiative.

The video modules provide a brief introduction to the key elements of JCT contracts. They are convenient and useful for those wishing to refresh their knowledge of a particular aspect of a contract or familiarise themselves with a JCT contract for the first time.

Available via the JCT Online Store, the videos can be purchased either individually, where a quick-reference guide on a particular aspect of a contract is desired, or a contract course can be purchased as an entire series – the videos combined providing a grounding for those new to a contract or those looking for a summary without committing to a full JCT Training Course.

Once purchased, users can log into their account on the JCT Online Store and access their videos at any time.

JCT TrainingAvailable JCT Video Module courses:

JCT Contracts 2016: The Legal Perspective

An introduction to some of the key legal concepts behind construction contracts and how these are dealt with in the JCT suite.

This course includes the following modules:

1. Getting into Contract.

2. Letters of Intent.

3. Assignment and Novation.

4. Bonds and Guarantees.

5. Collateral Warranties and Third-Party Rights.

6. Design Responsibility (in DB 2016).

7. Payment.

8. Practical Completion and Liquidated Damages.

9. Extensions of Time.

10. Indemnities and Insurance.

11. Termination.

JCT Design and Build Contract 2016

An introduction to the key elements of the JCT Design and Build Contract.

This course includes the following modules:

1. Agreement, Articles & Recitals.

2. Particulars & Schedules.

3. Sections 1,6,7,8 & 9.

4. Employer & Contractor’s Key Obligations.

5. Payment.

6. Changes.

7. Time.

8. Loss & Expense.

JCT Standard Building Contract 2016

An introduction to the key elements of the JCT Standard Building Contract.

This course includes the following modules:

1. Variants.

2. Summary of the Agreement.

3. Summary of the Conditions.

4. Summary of the Schedules.

5. Time I.

6. Time II.

7. Payment.

8. Loss & Expense.

9. Variations.

Coming soon:

JCT TrainingJCT Minor Works Building Contract and JCT Sub-Contracts

JCT Training Video Modules form part of the JCT’s wider programme of training services, which includes face-to-face full-day courses and three-hour interactive webinars. The face-to-face training and webinar courses provide a much more comprehensive and detailed overview of the JCT contracts suite and its legal background.

The new video module series complements the full courses by providing convenient and useful information in an easy to access package.

For more information, visit www.jctltd.co.uk/jct-training.









*Please note: this is a commercial profile

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